March 8, 2013

To not boldly go anywhere?

This piece is depressing yet very well thought out and well put. I want to believe it's better, but at least consider the apt arguments. The author could have put some attention to advanced details like ion propulsion, not just classical rocket exhaust, but this is thought-provoking:

The Recline and Fall: To not boldly go anywhere.: I wrote this some time back after reading Tom Murphy's blog. I'll publish this as is because it is still worth saying even though it...

How about this, for some simple and reasonably fair Social Security reform:

Remove the cap on earnings subject to FICA, but don't institute any "means testing" other than just making SS benefits taxable by combination with other income. That would get some of the money back from the more wealthy folks, and in a simple way (ie, by not adding a new complex formula to decide how much one is paid SS to start with), without "messing with the system" by changing overall payment protocols, or switching to the odious chained CPI, etc.